Guestranet CRM get comminicated with guest directly. Guest’s permission has taken. Collected datas can be used for reporting and analyzing to measure the satisfaction.

Some specs of Guestranet CRM

Welcome Survey : Before 24 hours guest make check-in, automatically a survey will appear on guests phone. Survey questions can be defined by the hotel management.

General Survey : Before 48 hours of guest’s check-out, an automatic survey sent to guest to check the satisfaction. If any unsatisfaied point, you can catch this negative issue before the guest leave the hotel.

Instant Survey : Whenever you want, you may set a survey and send it to all guest or selected guests. Do you have any question you want to ask to guests? Use instant surveys. Get feedback. Take action. No more paperwork for surveys.

Survey Management : You know how big effort is to collect surveys from guests. Manpower, paperwork and so on. With Guestranet CRM, you will collect all information just in time without any effort. Your CRM staff will able to focus more effective actions.

Messages coming from guests : Guests can score your services, staff and facility if you want. Complaints, suggestions or likes will be directly collected. With the permission of guests, you may comminicate with them directly via whatsapp by using Guestranet.  

Online Check – In Card : When guest arrives to hotel and connects to wi-fi, you may let the guest have the check-in card without visiting the frontdesk.

Customer Satisfaction Reporting : With the power of CRM System all collected datas from guests turn to management reports. Reporting daily and weekly makes the hotel management to take action just in time. At the end of the day the rating of hotel at web sites like Tripadvisor, Holidacheck will go up and up.


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